• NØ4 Margarita 750ml
  • NØ4 Margarita 750ml

    NØ4 Margarita 750ml

    Regular price $30.00
    Tax included.

    The NØ4 Margarita Mixer celebrates a tradition of timeless simplicity. Crafted with the perfect balance of natural flavours, organic agave syrup & no preservative, it is guaranteed to compliment your favourite tequila every time. 

    To Make the Perfect No.4 Margarita:

    1 MIX      75ml NØ4 & 45ml Tequila in a cocktail Shaker

    2 SHAKE      Add a few cubes of ice and shake vigorously 

    3 POUR     Strain into your salt rimmed glass (trust us)

    4 ENJOY      Your delicious No.4 Premium Cocktail



    The NØ4 Margarita mixer has a 6 month shelf life from production date, and we recommend you store in a cool, dark place. Once opened, the product should be refrigerated and consumed within 10 days. We'll always ship you the freshest possible bottle.


    Lime Juice (bottled within a week of the limes being picked from the lime trees), Filtered Water, Organic Agave Syrup, Citric Acid, Natural Flavours, Citrus Extract. 


    Our NØ4 Margarita Mixer is vegan and gluten free.